5th & 6th week updates

Hello Friends,

How are you and your family? We hope you all are doing well. We are praying for you all.

In 5th week we had subject about Script writing, Story Writing and Scene Dialogues writing. For Alice she had Advance Drawing. And she is enjoying in paintings and drawings. 

In 6th week We had subject about Production, Lighting and Makeup and Costume designing. Alice she had subject about Introduction of Painting. 

We are enjoying in our classroom activities and even in our work duties.

We are started fund raising for our outreach and waiting upon the Lord Jesus. Please kindly uphold us in your prayers. We are trusting God for everything. For more information click in this link: https://www.youcaring.com/ratna-alice-babu-571648

Thank you so much for your prayers and love for us. We love you so much.


Ratna & Alice.
